Metode pemeriksaan produkInspection of all products, Random inspection, According to client's requirement
Kontrol kualitas dilakukan di semua lini produksiYes
Pemeriksa QA/QC4
Latar belakang perdagangan
Pasar utamaDomestic Market(60%), North America(20%), Western Europe(20%)
Mitra rantai pasokan67
Jenis klien utamaRetailer, Engineer, Wholesaler, Brand business, For private use, Manufacturer
Kemampuan R&D
Opsi kustomisasicustomized on demand, sample processing, graphic processing
Produk baru yang diluncurkan pada tahun lalu22
Staf teknis R&D3
Tingkat pendidikan staf teknis R&D1 graduate, 2 juniorCollege
Ulasan Perusahaan (1)
5.0 /5
Sangat puas
Supplier Layanan
Pengiriman tepat waktu
Kualitas Produk
19 Jan 2025 18:50
Excelent quality, nice design. looks better in real life than pictures. great for router setup. only con I would say, is the motherboard stand offs being so low, really needs a plastic cover under the mother board to protect from possible shorting. other wise nice product.